Announcing Our 2016 Summer Sermon Series

“Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.” -GK Chesterton

Discipleship is a common word, used often in the church, that many people (even many members and leaders in the church) do not understand fully. This summer, FIBC is embarking on a nine part summer sermon series called The Living Mission: A Practical Guide to Discipleship that will help to clarify, demystify, and 'de-churchify' this essential Christian doctrine. 

Over this summer series, we will look to the life of Jesus Christ, his New Testament teachings, and the ways in which he impacted the world through his direct influence on individuals. Our goal will be to demonstrate how, in nine areas of life, we can each take the next right steps of faith - to “move the dial” of faith - and therefore actively grow as disciples of Jesus, and experience the spirit-led, abundant life that Christ promised to those who trust in and follow him. 

Join us this summer as we explore what it means to be a 21st-century disciple of Jesus of Nazareth.

Summer Sermon Series dates are July 3, 2016 - August 28, 2016, all worship services begin at 13:00 with a time of fellowship to follow each service.